Should I Be Concerned About Carbon Monoxide
In My Home?
Is it right to be worried about the levels of carbon monoxide levels in the home you live in and possibly share with a partner and family? Well, if you know the facts about carbon monoxide, you'll know you are right to have concerns about it being present in your home.
Carbon monoxide does not have a color, smell, or taste, so it cannot be detected by humans unless they have purchased a detector. It is a gas which has just a little less density than the air we breathe. Carbon monoxide is poisonous to human beings when they breathe in concentrations of 35 ppm or more.
Carbon monoxide is produced by the partial oxidation of any compound that contains carbon. It is formed when there is not sufficient oxygen to create carbon dioxide, which is the compound exhaled by the body when you breathe out.
Most people are not sufficiently aware of carbon monoxide dangers. Unfortunately, though, carbon monoxide dangers are very real. In the US, carbon monoxide poisoning is the cause of 500 deaths every year. A further 20 to 30 thousand people become severely ill from breathing in poisonous carbon monoxide fumes.
So where do carbon monoxide dangers come from? Carbon monoxide fumes are produced by the misuse of ordinary household items and appliances. A charcoal grill used in the house rather than garden can be enough to expose you to carbon monoxide dangers. The scary thing is that it doesn't have to be you making the mistake to place you in peril. If the person in the neighboring apartment is doing something that causes the release of carbon monoxide, then it can easily pass through drywall and other porous materials.
So what can you do to protect yourself and your nearest and dearest from potentially lethal carbon monoxide dangers? The solution is really quite simple. All you have to do is invest in a decent carbon monoxide detector. They are easily affordable pieces of equipment, and they could well save your life. You must change the battery in your detector regularly, and check that it is running efficiently in order to ensure that it is protecting you.
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